Sunday, 22 January 2017


We begin with the sound of a door clicking shut, before transitioning from black to a close up shot of the antagonist’s feet walking onto his gravel driveway. The weight of his footsteps is emphasised by the diegetic sound of the crunching gravel and its grey colour palette constructs gloomy connotations. This close up conceals details of the character, making him enigmatic so creating a sense of anticipation. We cut to an extreme long shot, establishing the location of a residential street, which reveals the house opposite. A shot through an upstairs window, creating a sense of intrusion, presents the protagonist in her bedroom. Within her bedroom, we cut to a close up of her face which conveys innocence as she calmly gets ready to go out. A close up of her table as she picks up her keys presents props which convey aspects of her character; schoolbooks convey that she is young and possibly vulnerable, plus photographs of family and friends signify that she is kind and innocent. A jump cut returns us to the antagonist, a close up of his watch and the emphasised diegetic sound of ticking presenting him as impatient and creating a sense of threat as it suggests that time may be limited for our protagonist.

Influenced by ‘The Disappearance of Alice Creed’, we aim to create an increasing sense of threat in the opening of our thriller film which is also about a kidnapping. We will use a similarly bleak colour scheme, containing greys, to create connotations of misery and we will also use close ups to create a sense of intensity. Also drawing influence from 'Se7en', our film will have an urban setting, suggestive of themes of immorality and violence, as is conventional of the thriller genre. Another influence from this film is that we will use close ups of props in the home of the protagonist to help establish her character (as was done for the character of Detective Somerset in 'Se7en').

Mood Board

Friday, 20 January 2017

Possible Locations

Type of location needed
Possible places
Who will get scouting photos of this location?
-    Drive way x2
-    Gravel for footsteps
   Mattie’s house - Park Lane
   Gravel driveway
   Cars parked outside houses - in the way of the shots.
   In the City Centre:
-    Imelda’s Shoe Shop
-    Bench outside the shop
   Multiple angles through shop windows and door
   Unwanted background noise
   Customers in the shop
   St Stephens
   Graffiti – interesting mise en scene, emphasizes the urban environment
   Angles - 4 way path provides a variety of shots
   Lighting - daylight is provided through 4 different entrances
   Busy underpass – passersby could get in the way of shooting and be in shot
   Background noise - traffic above - main bus route into the centre

   Anglia Square - main option
   Graffiti- interesting mise en scene, emphasizes the urban environment
   Fairly quiet- unlikely to be       interrupted during filming- smoother
   An enclosed part of the city- opposite to St stephens
   Traffic - background noise provided by the busy roundabout close by
   Lighting - fairly cut off - narrow underpass with small entrances
   A part of the city of which attracts the homeless because of a solid shelter and quiet - may be an issue in the case they do not want any cameras around and we would not want to intrude

   Chapelfield gardens
   Lighting - wide and open area - leading to a vast park - widespread lighting - bright especially in the day - in the evening, dimly lit lights provided at either end and some in the underpass itself - reflecting off puddles could create interesting shots
   Artwork - eye catching
   Puddles provide interesting shots
   It is not that safe to be filming in at night - evening shots would be ideal
   Not very privatized - very open to the public and very much in public use
   Street Shots
   Norwich Lanes
   Busy - wondering through crowds - interesting shots
   Background noise of the public in the scenes - provides a false sense of security for both character and audience as tension builds
   Members of the public could get in the way of the characters in shot
   Independent shops and members of the public may find it uncomfortable to be on film - prevent the chance of filming.
   Unknown as to just how busy it will be